Minggu, Desember 01, 2013

Work with Pride !

This is story about someone in the selection process of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (PT Telkom). Since 4 days after graduation, on July 17th, 2013 He found announcement in campus career center that PT Telkom was opening the job vacancy as Network Engineer (Direct Shopping ITB) with specific requirements: GPA above 3.00 and had been graduated with quota of participant is 65 people. Then without thinking much, he applied the job with sent the Cover Letter, academic transcript and certificate of graduation.

On August 27th, 2013 he was invited for the first stage selection process at Telkom Corporate University Center (TCU), Bandung. The selections were consists of Psychological Test, TOEFL, and Forum Group Discussion (FGD) which was held in 2 days: Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013 for Psychological Test and TOEFL, and Wednesday, September, 4th, 2013 for FGD. He thought this test is very hard, because there is a TOEFL test where previous week he had taken a TOEFL test and for the result his TOEFL score is 427.

A very narrow time between announcement and The Day, he just had one week to prepare TOEFL and psychotest and didn’t concerned the FGD. He thought not possible to take the English language at tutoring agencies because their programs are long term not for one week training, but it is still possible for he to take the private English. He decided to buy a book of TOEFL and TPA Bappenas at Gramedia bookstore and learned from these books. Felt there was no progress in self-study, he decided to take private English course with his French teacher with costs Rp.150.000/hour and took 10 hours of study in 4 days. Because of that, he must sold his notebook. A most gambling decision in his life.

The day was coming, the test room is very cold. One hundred sixty more participants took the test. First section test is psychological: series and logical, Kraepelin-Pauli test, Wartegg test and Drawing people and tree. Second section is TOEFL test: listening, structure and reading. Everything is ok, but he didn’t confident about what his have done, mainly in listening section. Then, third section is FGD, participants were grouped, every group consist of 7 people. They discussed a case about general problem that usually is happened in working area. He didn’t too much speaking about his opinion, but occasionally managed how this discussion can going well.  The first step selection is over, the result will be announced in three week later. 

to be continued...

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